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Career Coaching

We have experienced many changes in the workplace over the past few years, and we have every reason to believe that we will not return to the pre-pandemic landscape.  Virtual work is here to stay, and many professionals are making changes that reflect that preference. Opportunities are increasing and companies are hiring at a faster pace.


Before the disruption of COVID-19, around 30% of the U.S. workforce was working from home at least some of the time. That number more than doubled when the pandemic hit, as enterprises overnight enabled everyone they could to work remotely. That same trend played out around the globe. This unintended experiment in mass-scale remote work shattered one of the most durable myths about the workforce: “You can’t trust employees to do their jobs if you can’t see them.”

Two Men in Office


The Career Transition Program has been designed to provide one-on-one individualized attention during the process of transitioning to a new position or career.  Career Coaching works best with those people who are highly motivated, work well independently and are open to embracing new methodologies and technologies and making significant changes. It is a cost-effective alternative to traditional outplacement services, and a balanced approach to career and life planning.  We address the new challenges of a hybrid worksplace and the necessary changes needed for job-hunting, interviewing, negotiation, and onboarding.


We use a variety of validated and powerful assessment tools to gain insight into your path to optimal career satisfaction. This means we can measure how you respond to your work environment, why you are motivated to act in a certain way, your behavioral style/personality type, communications style, values, attitudes, etc. Of course, to support your career decisions we also look at your professional experience, education, background, talents, and your specific work environment.


Corporations are encouraging career resiliency on the part of their own employees - and providing coaching resources to increase employees' skills in self-determination and self management.

To help you explore the possibilities of working with a coach, I offer a 20-minute telephone consultation, which will be scheduled at no cost to you.


Contact Coach Judy

A coach provides a rich set of tools that grows through the years to support a client in each new opportunity and challenge.


I am a walking example of the value of long-term coaching. When we launched the coaching journey in 2005, I was already quite senior in my career. Each new leadership step I took came with a myriad of new experiences for which my existing set of competencies needed to be stretched. Judy has supported me in the evolution of my skills, insights, and talents to successfully meet each new stage. She’s helped to extract what was deep inside me and expand it; I think about it as a tool bag that has grown and grown through the years to support me in each new leadership challenge.


Carla Smith, MA, CNM, FHIMSS



Click here to book a consultation or if you have any questions.  


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